Equipment Maintenance Top Faults

Introduction to Equipment Maintenance Top Faults Dashboard

The Equipment Maintenance Top Faults Dashboard offers a focused view into maintenance faults, allowing users to address issues effectively and improve their building’s Maintenance Score. With this dashboard, users can easily identify common Diagnostic results across equipment classes, streamlining troubleshooting efforts and enabling application of resolutions or fixes across multiple pieces of equipment. The dashboard also provides users the ability to prioritize maintenance issues on low-scoring mechanical equipment, leading to enhanced overall performance.

Best Practices and Use Cases

Use Case #1: Review Top Maintenance Faults by Equipment Class and Bulk Assign Tasks

Use the dashboard to streamline the troubleshooting process by focusing on common Diagnostic results within an equipment class. To do this:

  1. Cross filter the Equipment Count by Class widget to a specific equipment class (e.g., Air Handler).

  2. Find the most prevalent issue for that equipment class in the Top 20 Diagnostic Results by Type widget.

  3. Type that issue into the Summary column of the Diagnostic Summary Table by Equipment to find all the equipment with that Diagnostic result.

  4. Click View in the Diagnostic column to drill further into the issue within Diagnostics. Or click the Task Number in the Open Task ID column to see current actions being taken on that Task to address the issue.

Filter the Active Task ID column to “is null” to only see Diagnostic results without an Ongoing Task (Open or In Process Status).

Bulk Assign Tasks on Equipment without an Ongoing Task

  1. Once the Active Task ID column is filtered to “is null”, click the three dots in the top right of the Diagnostic Summary Table by Equipment widget and select Create Task.

  2. Select the Building(s) from the Buildings drop down by checking the box.

  3. Select the Equipment(s) where the issues exist from the Equipment drop down.

  4. Choose an Assignee for the Tasks.

  5. Set the Status to “Open” for the Tasks.

  6. Update the Summary to the maintenance fault issue searched for in the “Summary” column of the table (e.g. “Simultaneous Heating and Cooling”).

  7. Add any details in the Description, Recommendations, and Actions boxes.

  8. Click Create Task to bulk create Tasks for this issue across all the selected pieces of equipment.

An email will be sent for each piece of equipment the Task is being created on. To minimize the email volume, it is recommended not to select the "Send Email" option when creating the Task.

Use Case #2: Focus on Equipment with Lowest Maintenance Scores

Focus on equipment with low Maintenance Scores and prioritize your maintenance efforts. To look at Diagnostic results on low scoring equipment:

  1. Cross filter the Maintenance Scores by Equipment widget to the specific piece of equipment.

  2. Review the Diagnostic results on that equipment in the Top 20 Diagnostic Results by Type widget.

  3. Look at the Diagnostics Summary Table by Equipment to see what actions are being taken on an Ongoing Task or drill down into the Diagnostics to create a Task.