Equipment Comfort Top Faults

Introduction to Equipment Comfort Top Faults Dashboard

The Equipment Comfort Top Faults Dashboard provides a focused view into comfort issues, enabling users to address common indoor air quality (IAQ) problems effectively and prioritize issues in the least comfortable spaces. The dashboard is divided into three sections, each targeting low-scoring equipment, IAQ concerns, and space comfort issues. By utilizing this dashboard, you can enhance your building’s Comfort Score.

Section 1: Score Overview

The first section of the dashboard displays the comfort scores by equipment, allowing users to prioritize high-priority comfort issues effectively. Additionally, users can cross-filter to specific equipment classes in order to view the total count of equipment as well as counts of equipment with IAQ and/or comfort issues.

Section 2: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Issues

The second section of the dashboard is dedicated to IAQ issues including issues related to air flow, dampers, filters, and CO2 and VOC levels. Users can see common IAQ Diagnostic results across Air Handlers and Zone Equipment to streamline troubleshooting and apply fixes across multiple pieces of equipment. A visual trend also showcases the occurrences and resolution of equipment IAQ faults over time.

Section 3: Equipment Comfort Issues

The final section of the dashboard is dedicated to comfort issues, with a focus on identifying the least comfortable spaces based on degree-hours deviated from setpoint. The comparing analysis chart allows users to reference the most prevalent faults across both comfort and maintenance priorities and the fault frequency occurrence. Using this widget along with the top Diagnostics results by fault type, users can pinpoint the activities with the greatest impact after cost savings findings are addressed. This enables more targeted issue identification and resolution.

Best Practices and Use Cases

Use Case #1: Focus on IAQ Issues by Equipment Class

Use the dashboard to focus on Air Handler and Zone IAQ issues.

  1. Cross filter the Equipment Count by Class widget to a specific equipment class (e.g. Air Handler).

  2. Look at the count of air handlers with IAQ issues in the IAQ Issues Equipment Count widget.

  3. Find the most prevalent IAQ issue in the IAQ Issues by Fault Type widget.

  4. Type that issue into Issue column of the IAQ Issues List widget to find all the equipment with that Diagnostic result.

  5. Click View in the Diagnostic column to drill further into the issue within Diagnostics.

Use Case #2: Address Issues on the Least Comfortable (Hottest or Coldest) Rooms

Use the Equipment Comfort Issues section of the dashboard to prioritize and address issues in the least comfortable rooms.

  1. Cross filter the Top 25 HOTTEST or Top 25 COLDEST Rooms charts to a specific piece of equipment.

  2. Review the Diagnostic results on that equipment in the Top 20 Diagnostic Results by Type widget.

  3. Look at the Diagnostics Summary Table by Equipment to see what actions are being taken on an Ongoing Task or drill down into the Diagnostics to create a Task.

Use Case #3: Prioritize Equipment with Low Comfort Scores

Focus on equipment with low Comfort Scores and prioritize uncomfortable spaces. To look at Diagnostic results on low scoring equipment:

  1. Cross filer the Comfort Scores by Equipment widget to the specific piece of equipment.

  2. In Section 2, review if there are any IAQ related faults on that piece of equipment.

  3. In Section 3, review if the room is above or below setpoint in the Top 25 HOTTEST or Top 25 COLDEST Rooms charts. Also look at the Diagnostics Summary Table by Equipment to see what actions are being taken on an Ongoing Task or drill down into the Diagnostics to create a Task.