Configuration Dashboards


Introduction to Configuration Dashboards

The Configuration dashboards provide an overview of issues which could be impacting the overall accuracy and comprehensiveness of diagnostic analyses. The dashboard series is divided into four distinct dashboards:

  • Configuration: Asset Register is a summary of the configured building, equipment, and points

  • Configuration: Flags isolates issues with the configuration which are impacting the diagnostic analyses

  • Configuration: Missing Information isolates missing information, such as motor rated power, which could be provided to improve the diagnostic analyses

  • Configuration: Missing Sensors isolates missing sensors, such as an Air Handler supply air temperature, which could be provided to improve the diagnostic analyses

The Configuration Flags, Missing Information, and Missing Sensors dashboards require the Building Variable “DisplayQAInformation” to be set to TRUE.

Keep an eye out for widgets with blue links. These links navigate directly to the diagnostic reports impacted by the configuration issue(s) as well as the administrative pages where edits can be made to correct configuration issues.

Configuration: Asset Register

The first dashboard in the series provides a simple way to explore your connected assets. The dashboard is divided into sections detailing Building, Equipment, and Point configuration details.

Section 1: Building Summary

The first section of the dashboard provides a summary of all buildings. Selecting a building from any widget will apply a cross-filter to the rest of the dashboard to quickly isolate a single building.

Section 2: Equipment Summary

The second section of the dashboard provides a detailed summary of the connected equipment. Equipment details and their assigned equipment variables can be quickly viewed and cross-filtered to audit the configuration.

Section 3: Point Summary

The third section of the dashboard provides a detailed summary of the connected data points. Data points are broken down by building and equipment class to quickly visualize the distribution of data points across all buildings. The Points Detail table can be exported or grouped by any column to quickly audit the configuration.

Configuration: Flags

The second dashboard in the series provides a detailed summary of the configuration flags automatically identified by the diagnostic analyses. All issues summarized in this dashboard require review and correction to improve the accuracy of the diagnostic results.

Section 1: All Configuration Flags

The first section of the dashboard summarizes the total count of distinct equipment with configuration flags. It includes a chart showing the count of equipment by class which can be used to cross-filter the dashboard, a breakdown of the equipment counts by class, and the complete table of diagnostics with configuration flags.

All widgets in this section are filtered to show yesterday’s diagnostic results

Section 2: Mode Points

The second section displays configuration flags related to the configuration of mode points. Mode points which have not been configured with the required equipment variables to define the operating modes will be flagged in this section.

Section 3: Point Configuration Issues

The third section displays configuration flags related to issues with the configuration of points for the following reasons: Fractional Points out of Range, Boolean Points Out of Range, Duplicate Point Types, and No Inlet Air Temp Assigned. These config flags may cause the diagnostics to omit the point(s) from the analysis or lead to a false positive result and should all be corrected.

Section 4: Incorrect/Missing Configuration Issues

The fourth section summarizes incorrect/missing configuration issues. All issues flagged in this section require review to correct the configuration so the diagnostic analyses can run accurately. Opening the Diagnostic Report via the link will provide additional notes for the specific configuration issue that requires attention.

Section 5: Equipment Associations

The fifth section summarizes equipment association configuration issues. All issues flagged in this section require review of the equipment-to-equipment relationships configured for the flagged equipment.


Configuration: Missing Information

The third dashboard in the series isolates missing building and equipment information required to complete the configuration. A lot of missing information flags will identify items which must be collected from local documentation, such as mechanical equipment schedules and written control sequences.

Section 1: Summary of all Missing Information

The first section of the dashboard summarizes the total count of distinct equipment with missing information. It includes a chart showing the count of equipment by class which can be used to cross-filter the dashboard, a breakdown of the equipment counts by class, and the complete table of diagnostics with configuration flags.

Section 2: Utility Rates

The second section summarizes unique equipment impacted by missing utility costs. Links within the table direct the user to the building variables page for the building to upload the required rates.

Section 3: Occupancy

The thirds section summarizes unique equipment impacted by missing an occupancy schedule. Uploading an occupancy schedule for the building or individual equipment will enable the analytics to check for compliance to intended occupied/unoccupied operating conditions.


Section 4,5: Motor Power and Rated Flow

Sections 4 and 5 detail the missing motor powers and rated flow conditions for equipment with fans and pumps. This information can be critical for accurately calculating the avoidable cost associated with energy waste.

Section 6: Missing Setpoints or Sequences

Sections 6 details equipment with missing setpoint or control sequence information preventing the diagnostic analyses from comparing actual performance to expected operation.

Configuration: Missing Sensors

The fourth and final dashboard in the series isolates missing sensors which are typically available and important to the ongoing monitoring of equipment operation.

Section 1: Summary of all Missing Sensors

The first section of the dashboard summarizes the total count of distinct equipment with missing sensors. It includes a chart showing the count of equipment by class which can be used to cross-filter the dashboard, a breakdown of the equipment counts by class, and the complete table of diagnostics with configuration flags.

Section 2: Missing Sensors - Air Handlers

A detailed view of missing sensors for all air handlers.

Section 3: Missing Sensors - Zone Equipment

A detailed view of missing sensors for all zone equipment.

Section 4: Missing Sensors - Heating and Cooling Equipment

A detailed view of missing sensors for all heating and cooling equipment.