Different types of dashboards and adding them from the template library

Different types of dashboards

There are three different types of dashboards available to a user in the application. They are:

  • Global Dashboards

  • Organization Dashboards

  • User Dashboards

Global Dashboards:

Organization Dashboards

  • Organization Dashboards are one level down from a Global Dashboard. They are created either by “Super Admin” or admin employees of a organization. An example of an organization could be Kaiser or Longs, or any of the A to Z in between! Here are some important things to note about these dashboards:

    • They are what is known as a “template” and are linked via a parent child relationship. This means that the template created by a “Super Admin” or Organization admin is the master, and all the templates from anyone that adds the dashboard within that organization to their page, is therefore a child of that master.

    • Note that organization templates are only available to that specific organization and not at a global level. Only members of that organization will be able to add this template. See Adding a dashboard later on in this page.

User Dashboards

  • User Dashboards are one level down from a Organization Dashboard and are at the bottom of the hierarchy. They are created by any user with the proper permissions. User dashboards are only available to the user that created that dashboard. For how to create a User Dashboard, see https://kgsbuildings.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ClockworksAnalyticsUM/pages/1816854554

    • Note that User dashboards are not a template and are only available to that specific user. There is no linking that occurs and a user is free to change their dashboard however they see fit.


To view dashboard types from the template library, take the following steps.

  1. Hover over “Dashboards” in the global navigation on the left hand side, then click “Manage Dashboards”.

  2. The “Manage Dashboard” page will load which displays all the dashboards you have previously added.

  3. On the manage dashboards page, there is a legend with the following:

    1. Green Check Mark - Default Dashboard

    2. Globe - Global Dashboard

    3. Org Chart - Organization Dashboard

    4. User - User Dashboard

View Dashboard(s)

To view dashboards from the dashboard template library, take the following steps.

  1. Hover over the “Dashboards” in the left hand navigation bar to view current dashboards you have added.

  2. Click the “Manage Dashboard” page which displays all the dashboards you have access to from Global Templates, Organization Templates, and any user dashboards you may have already created as well as any previously viewed dashboards.

Add Dashboard(s)

To “Add” dashboards from the dashboard template library, take the following steps.

  1. From the “Manage Dashboards” page, click the “Add Dashboard” button at the upper right:

2. This will load the “Add Dashboard” tool which lists the available dashboard templates available

3. Click the name of one of the Dashboards (Global or Organization) in the list, then Click “Next”

3a. Important Note: You cannot add a User Dashboard here since a User Dashboard is only available to you, so therefore by default, it is always in your “Manage Dashboards”, unless you delete it.


4. You can then specify your own name for the dashboard template, which will show up under “Dashboards” in the left hand navigation menu. You can also create your own description for the dashboard. You can also simply retain the name and description of the dashboard template.

5. After you click “Add” the selected dashboard template will appear under “Dashboards” in the left hand navigation menu and you will now be loaded into that dashboard. Congratulations, you have added a Dashboard!