
The Help menu in the upper-right provides two options:

  1. A link to this User manual

  2. Contact form

When you select the Contact option, a user will be prompted with the following:


Email Subject: What is this ticket about? Help direct us with a problem or challenge you may be having. Or perhaps you have an opportunity. Being as descriptive as possible really helps!

Email Description: Now that you have the subject of what you would like us to look into. Really drive into the details. Is it a bug? Let us know where it is happening, how it happens, when it happens, and steps to reproduce. Have an opportunity, let us know and really give your vision here. Or…..

Attachment: Give us a screenshot, a small video. They say a picture is worth a million words!

Once you have finished, you can either submit or cancel all that hard work! No harm no foul. If you choose to submit, a Jira ticket will be created on your behalf and one of our representatives will reach out shortly through that ticket.